About me

Here is my recent resume. [download]


I worked as a research professor in the Next-generation Game Research Center at the Computer Science Department at Korea University in South Korea. In 2013, I finished my Ph.D. in Computer Science at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) in South Korea.

My main research area is software engineering in computer science. Over 14 years, I have researched on evaluating and improving software design quality using machine learning statistics, and automated software analysis techniques.

My researcher career began in 2005 with my master’s degree at Software Engineering Laboratory at the Computer Science Department at KAIST. During my studies, I devised a more accurate prediction model for identifying software entities that are more likely to be changed. In this way, software developers can focus their efforts on more critical maintenance activities. I also developed a recommendation system that helps software developers change code more easily by providing refactoring candidates (i.e., code change candidates) along with their impacts quantified with software quality metrics. The research results had been published in top-quality conferences and journals such as Journal of Systems and Software, Information and Software Technology, and IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. Here I provide my Google Scholar page and the list of top publications in the area of Software Systems.

I received the two national grants from the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) and worked as a sole Principal Investigator. I also have served as a reviewer for many journals and conferences. I also have several successful experiences to mentor and teach university students.

Recently, I completed the bootcamp for the data science career track and performed projects specialized in deep learning. I have performed two data science-related projects:

While doing research, I realized I am good at dealing with big data and finding new insights. I am transitioning from academy to industry to work as a privacy engineer, machine learning engineer, or data scientist.